Typical of the smaller branches, the Woodstock, Ontario branched struggled to survive. Formed in 1947 with 72 members, it closed in 1948. Although scattered on farms, the combatant members visited Woodstock regularly and participated in the life of the branch. However, once their two year contracts ended they began to move to other parts of Canada and to the U.S. Branch documents and a small amount of funds were transferred to Branch # 4 in Brantford.
Twenty years later however, a number of combatants who had stayed in the area reactivated the branch on March 2, 1969. A banquet, held on October 25, 1969, celebrated the reactivation. The president of the Brantford Branch returned the documents and funds and the president of Branch # 55 of the Royal Canadian Legion welcomed Branch #12 (even though half of its members also belonged to the Legion) and offered the branch use of Legion premises, free of charge.